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May 2017

Your Energy – Own It All Or Do We (Unknowingly) Pick Up Energy From Others?

By | Depression, Empowerment, Healing | No Comments

Many of my clients describe themselves as depressed, anxious or both.  Think about it honestly.  What percentage of your ability to process daily stress, nervous tension, anxiety or depression stem from someone else’s energy or a particular location’s energy as well as your own energy field?

I read a fascinating article in my ABMP magazine worth pondering and wanted to share.  Author Cyndi Dale makes a thoughtful argument for both.


How often have we heard that?  Understanding what might lie in the energetic realms affecting us may help in our ability to process our energies, own up to it and heal from it.

For example, I had a client that always arrived with a seemingly black cloud hanging over her head.  She was depressed, in pain, yet was unwilling to make the changes to help her heal.  She explained that her childhood was painful and her “conditions” were similar to her mother’s.  So it was all her mother’s fault.  And therein lay her excuse for everything in life.

Cyndi Dale believes that “up to 80 percent of the energy initiating a problem might be absorbed from somewhere, or someone, else.  (Simply put) we cannot process energy that isn’t our own.  Once it’s stuck in our body, it can cause physical, psychological, or spiritual maladies.”  The question to ask my client was, “what percentage of the depression was caused by your own energy versus someone else’s?”

We cannot process others’ energies because they don’t match our unique energetic signature.  So how could I help my client release energies that were not their own?

First, we need to evaluate for ownership of our personal energies and maladies.  Can we get a sense of the differing percentages?  Do you have a sense of each owner of that challenging energy?  Is it all you or do you blame a person or location for your woes?

Second, we need to release these energies.  They should not be able to own us.  Are we willing to be freed from others’ energies?  Make that change in an oppressive location that brings us down?  We need to surrender the invading energy to a Higher Power.  We can then fill the empty space with energies provided by this higher help.

Let us seek to empower ourselves.  We have the ability to control our energy field and heal ourselves.  No excuses please.  Embrace it, own it all and love ourselves for it.  #CervicalMuscleRelease #Depression #Energy #Healing